Company Profile

Our Vision and Strategic Goals
  • Company Profile
  • Our Vision and Strategic Goals
Our Vision
  • Together, a better life.
Long-term Business Development Plans
  • Becoming a leading financial services innovator in the securities industry.
  • Becoming the most influential Greater China-originated securities firm operating in the Pan-Pacific region.
Short-term Business Development Plans
  • Strengthening market share, increasing the scale of assets under management, and
    expanding the wealth management business on all fronts.
  • Implementing highly digitized operations, and continuing to develop a financial ecosystem
    2.0 that integrates and coexists with new and innovative technologies.
  • Deepening the overall business resources of SinoPac Holdings and continuing to develop
    innovative investment banking business.
  • Continuing to improve the profitability of our proprietary businesses.
  • Continuing to develop new types of fixed income business.
  • Integrating cross-border wealth management businesses and platforms to enhance overseas profitability.
  • Expanding sustainability influence to become a leading securities firm in ESG investing.