Responsible Investment
As an institutional investor, SinoPac Securities is responsible for fulfilling stewardship and enhancing the value of investment with its expertise and influence. To achieve responsible investment, SinoPac Securities takes into account environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues in the long-term interests of customers and shareholders. On July 16, 2018, SinoPac Securities signed the compliance statement on the "Stewardship Principles for Institutional Investors." In order to urge investee companies to take environmental protection, corporate social responsibility, and corporate governance seriously, SinoPac Securities created its own "Guidelines for Responsible Investment” in December 2019 in compliance with the “Guidelines for Responsible Investment” formulated by SinoPac Holdings in June of the same year. As the guiding principles for investment and asset management at SinoPac Securities, the "Guidelines for Responsible Investment" incorporates ESG issues and risks into the decision-making process for main business activities, SinoPac Securities has drawn up methods and tools for assessing ESG risks, as well as related regulations, to facilitate the implementation of responsible investment.
In August 2020, Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation released the revision of the "Stewardship Principles for Institutional Investors." SinoPac Securities updated its compliance statement accordingly on September 30 of the same year. SinoPac Securities has also formulated the "Stewardship Policy." In addition to continuing to monitor the operations of investee companies, SinoPac Securities participates in corporate governance of investee companies by attending their shareholders' meetings, exercising voting rights, and engaging in dialogue and interaction with their directors or management appropriately in order to promote their sustainable development and to protect the overall interests of SinoPac Securities' fund providers.
Incorporating ESG Factors into the Wealth Management Product Review Process
The wealth management product review process includes ESG principles in the evaluation items for product issuers, and also incorporates ESG factors into the product review process. After comprehensively evaluating other items, the Company prioritize products with ESG-related investment concepts or with relatively positive impact, in order to fully implement the spirit of responsible investment and stewardship. ESG funds are promoted and available on the ESG fund section of SinoPac Securities.
In response to the spirit of ESG investments, all of the 24 domestic securities investment trust companies that SinoPac Securities work with, respectively, have signed the statement of compliance with the "Stewardship Principles for Institutional Investors" In 2021. Furthermore, all 6 of the offshore fund asset management institutions that SinoPac Securities are working with are in compliance with the “Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI).”
For SinoPac Securities' "Stewardship Principles for Institutional Investors" compliance statement and "Stewardship Policy," visit the Corporate Governance session on the company website:Stewardship Principles.