Digital investment account - DAWHOTOU
Following the trend of Banking 3.0, SinoPac Securities and Bank SinoPac jointly launched the digital trading account "DAWHO x DAWHOTOU." Starting in 2021, customers are able to apply for five types of digital accounts of SinoPac Securities and Bank SinoPac online at the same time, including Bank SinoPac DAWHO NTD savings account, foreign currency savings account, trust account, and SinoPac Securities DAWHOTOU domestic trading account and sub-brokerage account. Bank SinoPac and SinoPac Securities used innovative electronic data interchange (EDI) technology for investors to complete procedures online through automated fast data exchange. After opening accounts, customers can enjoy digital investment and wealth management services, including preferential interest rates on their deposits, stock savings plans in Taiwan and US stock markets, fund investments, and domestic and overseas equity investments, providing customers with zero contact financial services online.
2022 Awards
SinoPac Stock Savings Plan
SinoPac Stock Savings Plan, a digital platform that combines account opening, AI-based smart services, stock trading, and performance management, in order to provide Taiwan and U.S. stock market services based on the service concept of a one-stop shopping platform.
Rich Club
SinoPac Securities launched its wealth management website to nurture investment and wealth management expertise by sharing knowledge of quantitative trading for beginners to professionals through audio-visual and interactive methods. The website features an all-round digital wealth management knowledge base comprising wealth management columns, trend forecasts, macroeconomic analysis, industry reports, technical analysis, and expert opinions, thereby spreading knowledge through digital services.
"AI BUNNY GOOD," an AI-based service, to offer all-round investment trading services, combines stock selection + wealth management articles, and launched "Attractive Industries" and "Hot Topics in Stock Selection," provides integrated application services across platforms.
SinoPac Securities Rich Club ESG website
“SinoPac Securities Rich Club ESG website” integrates research and evaluation results of SinoPac Securities and SinoPac Securities Investment Service Corp., and includes five highlights, namely the SinoPac+ ESG Evaluation System, SinoPac ESG investment portfolio, SinoPac ESG sustainability fund series, ESG funds, and insights into trends.
It is the first dedicated ESG website by securities firm in Taiwan, using a digital website to provide investors with information on global ESG investment trends.
Please visit the SinoPac Securities Rich Club ESG website
Open Banking Partner APIs
SinoPac Securities introduced the innovative smart service "Python API," and provides quotations, orders, report, and historical price data services for domestic and overseas securities, futures, and options markets. The trading interface provided using Python API can be linked by customers with program trading ability, and provides quotations, order, report, account, and historical data services for Taiwan's stock and futures market. The open order environment provided by the API allows program traders to develop even more trading strategy application modules for linking reports of successful transactions and account data to their own LINE platform, Facebook platform, or Telegram. Cumulative transaction volume reached NT$209.5 billion in 2021. Furthermore, SinoPac Securities has organized the SinoPac Securities AI Investment Forum for four consecutive years, and focused on AI and quantitative trading. New investors and expert teams can all improve their quantitative trading software and hardware skills at SinoPac Securities, making quantitative trading both professional and simple.
For SinoPac Securities' "Stewardship Principles for Institutional Investors" compliance statement and "Stewardship Policy," visit the Corporate Governance session on the company website:Stewardship Principles.
For SinoPac Securities' related service information, please visit the official website: Our Businesses - Digital Finance