Environmental, Energy and Resource Management

Energy and Resource Management
  • Environmental Policy
  • Energy and Resource Management

Greenhouse Gas Management

Since 2019, SinoPac Securities has implemented the greenhouse gas inventory using the operational control approach to obtain information on total greenhouse gas emissions of the Company and the Company’s subsidiaries, and it was further expanded to all operating sites (100%) in 2021. Since the greenhouse gas inventory boundary was more complete, the original base year of 2018 has been adjusted to 2021 in 2022. The reduction target is set to reduce carbon emissions by 1% in energy saving and carbon reduction every year, and the goal of net zero emissions will be achieved in 2030 through energy conservation and carbon reduction, use of renewable energy and renewable energy certificates.

Energy Management

SinoPac Securities introduced ISO50001:2018 Energy Management System in 2022 for the first time to manage energy efficiency, and the Company’s head building has adopted the system, reaching the coverage to 22.1%. Besides, the Company continues monitoring and measuring the performance of energy conservation measures based on the key characteristics of operations. In light of the national energy policy, the Company has set an annual goal of reducing electricity consumption by 1% since 2020.

Waste Management

Waste from the office buildings of SinoPac Securities is mainly domestic waste. Recyclable waste is divided into four categories: paper, bottles, iron and aluminum cans, and IT equipment. All general and recyclable waste is shipped by qualified contractors to incinerators or recycling sites for disposal. The paper waste is collected and managed by the responsible unit of the Company and handled in accordance with the document destruction rules before handed over to the paper manufacturer for disposal as recycled paper raw material.

The waste of electronic product waste is handled in accordance with internal information safety rules, and any digital data related to customer information is also kept secure and confidential and destroyed in accordance with the internal rules and procedures.

Water Resources Management

The water resources consumed by SinoPac Securities and its subsidiaries are mainly tap water, and mainly used for drinking, air conditioning, and cleaning. There is no groundwater or other sources of water supply. SinoPac Securities will continuously take relevant water conservation measures to reduce average water consumption by 1% per year.