Smart Finance

Smart Financial Innovation Services
  • Smart Financial Innovations
  • Smart Financial Innovation Services

Digital investment account - DAWHOTOU

SinoPac Securities and Bank SinoPac jointly launched the “DAWHO X DAWHOTOU” securities digital account. The digital financial services of the DAWHOTOU App were upgraded in 2022 to include smart orders and transaction functions for domestic futures and options. It uses intuitive operations and smart digital services and incorporated smart technologies to help investors create a more comprehensive transaction system and make investment simple and more efficient. It also launched the first “Subscription Made Easy service” in the industry to connect with the pocket money in Bank SinoPac when customers do not have sufficient funding to apply for subscription of stocks. It helps customers participate in stock subscription applications and maximize opportunities with a bit of funding to enjoy a brand-new digital service experience across different industries with the consolidation of services. 

SinoPac Securities became the first in the industry to launch the online account opening service with the unique feature of applying for 6 accounts in 3 institutions in 1 application. SinoPac Securities launched the “DAWHO + DAWHOTOU” online account opening service in collaboration with Bank SinoPac towards the end of 2019. It became the first joint account opening application and account opening progress inquiry service for both banking and securities in the industry. In 2022 Q4, SinoPac Securities worked with SinoPac Securities Investment Service Corp. to incorporate the online account opening service into the membership application link of SinoPac Securities Investment Service Corp.. When an investor completes account opening, he/she will have access to six accounts including the NTD savings account, foreign currency savings account, and trust account of Bank SinoPac, the “DAWHOTOU” domestic trading account and sub-brokerage account of SinoPac Securities, and membership of SinoPac Securities Investment Service Corp.. Anyone from petty bourgeoisie to high-asset customers can access the digital financial services of SinoPac Securities and the in-depth analyses provided by the research team of SinoPac Securities Investment Service Corp..   

2022 Awards

  • The 19th National Brand Yushan Awards》「Best Product: DAWHOTOU APP Conditional Order」、「Most Popular Brand: DAWHOTOU
  • Wealth Management Awards》「Financial Services Innovation in Securities: DAWHOTOU APP」、「Best Print Marketing in Securities: DAWHOTOU APP - Review Your Investment Journey
  • Taiwan Financial Awards》「FinTech Innovative Application AwardBest FinTech Securities Gold Award: DAWHOTOU APP
  • The 17th Golden Torch Awards》「The Top Ten Innovative Design of the Year: DAWHOTOU APP
  • 2022 Golden Peak Awards》「Outstanding Commodities: DAWHOTOU APP

2021 Awards

  • The 18th National Brand Yushan Awards》「Best Product: DAWHOTOU APP」、「Most Popular Brand: DAWHOTOU
  • 《Taiwan Financial Awards》「Best FinTech Securities Award: DAWHOTOU APP

SinoPac Stock Savings Plan

SinoPac Stock Savings Plan, a digital platform that combines account opening, AI-based smart services, stock trading, and performance management, in order to provide Taiwan and U.S. stock market services based on the service concept of a one-stop shopping platform. 

2022 Awards

  • 《The 19th National Brand Yushan Awards 》「Best Product: SinoPac Stock Savings Plan」
  • 《Wealth Management Awards》「Best Creative Audio-Visual Marketing in Securities: SinoPac Stock Savings Plan」

2021 Awards

  • The Asset Triple A Digital Awards》「Best Digital Wealth Management Project - SinoPac Stock Savings Plan in Taiwan
  • International Business Magazine Awards》「Best Digital Wealth Management Project - SinoPac Stock Savings Plan in Taiwan
  • The 18th National Brand Yushan Awards》「Most Popular Brand: SinoPac Stock Savings Plan
  • The 16th Golden Torch Awards》「The Top Ten Innovative Design of the Year: SinoPac Stock Savings Plan
  • Wealth Management Awards》「Financial Services Innovation in Securities: SinoPac Stock Savings Plan

Rich Club

SinoPac Securities launched its wealth management website to nurture investment and wealth management expertise by sharing knowledge of quantitative trading for beginners to professionals through audio-visual and interactive methods. The website features an all-round digital wealth management knowledge base comprising wealth management columns, trend forecasts, macroeconomic analysis, industry reports, technical analysis, and expert opinions, thereby spreading knowledge through digital services.

2021 Awards

  • 《The 18th National Brand Yushan Awards》「Best Product: Rich Club」


"AI BUNNY GOOD," an AI-based service, to offer all-round investment trading services, combines stock selection + wealth management articles, and launched "Attractive Industries" and "Hot Topics in Stock Selection," provides integrated application services across platforms.

2022 Awards

  • 《The 19th National Brand Yushan Awards》「Most Popular Brand: AI BUNNY GOOD」

2021 Awards

  • The 18th National Brand Yushan Awards》「Best Product - National First Prize: AI BUNNY GOOD
  • The Asset Triple A Digital Awards》「Best API Project - AI BUNNY GOOD in Taiwan

SinoPac Securities Rich Club ESG website

“SinoPac Securities Rich Club ESG website” integrates research and evaluation results of SinoPac Securities and SinoPac Securities Investment Service Corp., and includes five highlights, namely the SinoPac+ ESG Evaluation System, SinoPac ESG investment portfolio, SinoPac ESG sustainability fund series, ESG funds, and insights into trends.

It is the first dedicated ESG website by securities firm in Taiwan, using a digital website to provide investors with information on global ESG investment trends.

2022 Awards

  • 《The 19th National Brand Yushan Awards》「Best Product: SinoPac ESG Impact」

Please visit the SinoPac Securities Rich Club ESG website

Open Banking Partner APIs

SinoPac Securities introduced the innovative smart service "Python API," and provides quotations, orders, report, and historical price data services for Taiwan Stocks and Taiwan Index Futures. The trading interface provided using Python API can be linked by customers with program trading ability, and provides quotations, order, report, account, and historical data services for Taiwan's stock and futures market. The open order environment provided by the API allows program traders to develop even more trading strategy application modules for linking reports of successful transactions and account data to their own LINE platform, Facebook platform, or Telegram. Cumulative transaction volume reached NT$250.7 billion in 2022, which was a 19.67% increase compared to 2021. Furthermore, SinoPac Securities has organized the SinoPac Securities AI Investment Forum for four consecutive years, and focused on AI and quantitative trading. The topic is focused on AI investment applications, including high-frequency trading combined with AI technology, enhancing the winning rate of stock trading through AI technology, and sharing practical experience about quantitative program trading. All of the above were important activities of quantitative trading ecosystem of the year. 

2022 Awards

  • 《The 19th National Brand Yushan Awards》「Best Product: Python API (Shioaji)」

For SinoPac Securities' related service information, please visit the official website: Our Businesses - Digital Finance

Digital Service Promotion Results  

SinoPac Securities launched the DAWHOTOU digital investment account in 2019, and the ratio of accounts opened online significantly increased. As of the end of 2022, over 80% of investors operated entirely online, and are able to open an account for Taiwan's stock market and overseas sub-brokerage at once. The simple and convenient account opening services improves customers' digital experience, and significantly contributes to share of voice, customer satisfaction, and operational efficiency.

SinoPac Securities digital service-related indicators

Item 2021 2022
Number of accounts opened online 148,449 112,556
Total number of accounts opened 177,783 137,377
Ratio of accounts opened online
(Number of accounts opened online/Total number of accounts opened)
84% 82%
Ratio of electronic transactions %
(Amount of electronic transactions/Total transaction amount that year)
82% 83%